CUEFA : Resources


This new section (ever growing) will provide various resources for members of our CUE Community. If you have a resource you would like to share OR if you have suggestions for resources you would like to see here - please let us know!


Rights and Responsibilities


Writing Resources

great resources to post on your course Moodle pages for students

  • The Nature of Writing
    Includes a comprehensive writing manual that comes complete with videos and quizzes by an award-winning professor (one of our very own Professors of English, Dr. Conrad van Dyk!).
    recommended by cuefa webmaster
  • Daily Writing Tips
    Every day they publish a new article, with topics ranging from grammar to punctuation, from spelling to usage and vocabulary. You can also subscribe to their email tips which is well worth it - for students and for instructors.
    recommended by cuefa webmaster


  • Generic Syllabus Maker
    Super helpful tool, produces a list of days with dates for the entire semester.
    recommended by cuefa webmaster
  • Time Zone Converter
    Truly an indepensible resource when meeting with colleagues around the globe.
    recommended by cuefa webmaster


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